Tags: #ASTM #buildingcodes #buildingenclosures #buildingenvelopes #buildingmaterials #buildingproducts #buildingscience #coatings #materialsscience #mgo
I’ve co-authored this with Jarrett Davis who has played critical roles in MgO development here in North America and beyond.
Here’s what we set out to do in writing this paper. First, we wanted to offer an objective overview of MgO. We define what it is and what it isn’t. Along the way, we debunk a few things while shedding light on others. We tackle head-on the ongoing concerns of water resistance and the related phenomena of deliquescence, dehalogenation and efflorescence. We also explore some interesting facts about coating and surface bonding. But it’s not all about materials and building science. We also delve into important factors that either hinder or hasten the expansion of MgO panels into new markets. Standards and criteria development are critical among these. Lastly, we discuss what remains to be accomplished and the many promises that lie ahead for MgO.
This paper marks an important turning point for me as well as the growing company that I founded. After 25 years of studying how and why buildings fail, I’m now doing what I truly love – creating enduring solutions through materials science. MgO is just the beginning, but it’s an important one. Expect many exciting things from Built Environments regarding MgO and other materials in the coming months. We’re growing, learning, having fun, and thinking like we do – differently.