Testing Beyond the Physical Limits
When lab and field studies are unable to reach a conclusion, advanced building simulations are invaluable. We’re experts in using state-of-the-art software to predict how products and systems respond to a myriad of forces and climate variables. These services offer clients an opportunity to bring testing unimaginable in the real-world to reality.
The Power of Prediction
Simulation – the imitation of real-world processes. In capable hands, it offers insights not practical in lab and field studies. Clients seek our unique skills in predicting how systems respond to a myriad of forces and climatic variables. We answer questions for everyday problems: Will XPS melt behind a translucent wall? What is the predicted airflow in my rainscreen? Or, what is the anticipated rate of corrosion? We employ state-of-the-art software that is benchmarked against reality. If it can be imagined, it can be simulated. And we walk you through the process to offer this power of prediction.
Our Advanced Building Simulations services include:
Finite Element Analysis
This type of analysis uses computerized models to predict how a product reacts to real-world situations such as forces, vibration, heat and cold, fluid flow, and more. This analysis is used to digitally test how and when products break and wear out.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
This type of analysis is performed digitally to predict fluid-flow phenomena based on the laws of conservation (mass, momentum, and energy) that govern fluid motion. We use this analysis to test how products perform under a variety of conditions when encountering moisture, bulk water, and vapor.
Hygrothermal Analysis (WUFI)
Our staff are experts in the use of hygrothermal analysis through a popular software program called WUFI. This software program is popular in the Passive House community where it is used to design highly insulated wall assemblies and more. At its core, hygrothermal analysis enables us to perform dynamic simulations of products and wall assemblies under many heat and moisture transfer conditions. We use this analysis to help clients ensure that building products, wall assemblies, and other components will perform in actual climate conditions.
3D Thermal Modeling
This analysis is used to measure and identify heat loss and transfer in building products, wall assemblies, and buildings themselves. Our team expertly combines on-site field imaging of wall systems and products with digital analysis to identify deficiencies and recommend solutions.
Forensic Simulation
This analysis aids clients in understanding the root causes of building and materials science issues. Our expert team assists clients in rooting out the source issues that may lead to moisture intrusion, structural defect, and other issues in projects and products.